Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tech savvy? Yeah right.

Ugh! Have I ever mentioned that my computer skills SUCK?!?! Oh no? Well....they do! 

I had 2 accounts for Google set up; one w/ my Yahoo! address (that was also connected w/ my blog) and my new G-mail account that I had set up when I purchased my new Droid phone. Well...what I had TRIED to do was update my e-mail address associated w/ my blog to my new G-mail addy. Yeah, seems simple in theory. Turns out I could not for the life of me, figure out how to do that. It just was not working! Gah! *cue frustration* 

I even Tweeted the question to my fellow Tweeps, and ::crickets:: Haha! So, in my last attempt to get this to work (and it failed), I just decided to up and delete the whole darn thang. I mean, I only had 8 posts total since 2010 and all of 2 followers. Hahaha! So it was not so bad. I will start all over and just be chill about it. 


That is exactly what I have done. very first post on my brand new blog w/ the e-mail address I want to use. 

It's all good. Oh, and BTW, I am loving the new Blogger update. 

Soooo.....hey again, y'all!!! Much love from my new little internet space. :) ...again!